I so appreciate your patronage over the years. As a Thank You, please enjoy 20% off all items in my Etsy shop with the use of the coupon code Thanks19 during checkout.
I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
Appalachian Folk Art by Kentuckian, Rebecca F. Miller Campbell. Featuring handmade One of a Kind (OOAK) signed, numbered, primitive art dolls, paintings & bits of whimsy from the hills of Eastern Kentucky.
I so appreciate your patronage over the years. As a Thank You, please enjoy 20% off all items in my Etsy shop with the use of the coupon code Thanks19 during checkout.
I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
Earlier in the year, I was honored to have been asked to create a Christmas collection for the Kentucky Artisan Center in Berea. My Christmas 2019 collection now festoons the three main trees in the lobby of the gallery. It was a whopper of an order — 283 pieces in all. You can find various price points and styles – everything from glittery cloth angel wings, quilted ornaments, stuffed ornaments to cloth and clay dolls and even a large woodland Santa.
The trees are available for shopping now! I will be demonstrating my doll making techniques at the Kentucky Artisan Center in Berea on Dec. 14th from 10:30 – 3:30 pm. If you’re traveling through the area, the artisan center is easily located right off the interstate. It’s a wonderful collection of Kentucky made art and craft products.
If you’re close to Asheville, NC or traveling there for a weekend getaway, you can now find my work at New Morning Gallery. New Morning Gallery is located in the historic Biltmore Village, the shopping area outside the entrance to the Biltmore Estate. This 13,000 square feet gallery has been celebrating American made arts & crafts since 1973. I’m happy to be representing Kentucky Crafted at New Morning and am so happy to have my work in Asheville! You can find ornaments, button-jointed animals, my sculpted paperclay pieces, handmade Santa tree toppers and Little Critters of all varieties. Visit New Morning Gallery’s website for more information, driving and parking directions and info.
It’s almost time for what has become my most favorite day of the year. Previous year’s I could barely describe how this event made me feel. Last year I realized…this must be how it felt years ago…to see the circus arrive in town, weave a magic spell and then…poof, they’re gone!
If you are a lover of Halloween, this is a magical event! Don a costume (or don’t) and come look at all the pieces the Bewitching Artists have made just for you. We love those who purchases pieces for their collections, but it’s ok to view this as a gallery event too! It’s not often this many of the top figurative artists in the nation come together for a showing of work. It is mesmerizing! Last year, the opportunity to view Scott Smith’s work in person–that alone, gave me the chills. I can’t remember artwork giving me chills before!
Hope to see you there! And if you’re a follower of my work, make sure to introduce yourself. I love meeting you guys in person! If you’re staying Friday night in Marshall, Michigan for the event, come to the fairgrounds for the Artist Meet and Mingle. It will be a catered event, from 5pm-7pm — a perfect opportunity for us all to meet up and chat!
Event Details:
Friday, Sept 27th: Meet and Mingle — Meet the Bewitching Artists 5pm-7pm: Free, Catered
Saturday, September 28th, 2019
Calhoun County Fairgrounds, 720 Fair St. Marshall, MI 49068
Early Buy Event: 8am-10am: $20 admission at door *Recommended for best selection and an opportunity to see all the pieces
General Admission: 10am – 3pm: $5.00 admission at door
Kids 10 and under are free
For the latest information, sneak peeks, artist introductions and studio previews, visit the Bewitching Peddlers Facebook page.
This weekend is the Kentucky Crafted Market for 2019. Find me and my gang of critters in booth 619 at the Kentucky Horse Park’s Alltech Arena. March 15-16 (Friday is for Wholesale shops only.) Saturday 10-6, Sunday 10-4.
The Kentucky Crafted Market offers art, live music, literature and food
— Dozens of exhibitors of fine art, craft, books and food
— Featuring two days of Americana, bluegrass and world music
— Specialty food products from Kentucky Proud members
— Hands-on activities for kids of all ages
Tickets are $8 daily at the door, but you can get them online at the link below for $7. Parking at the Kentucky Horse Park is $5.
PLEASE NOTE: FRIDAY, MARCH 15 IS TRADE ONLY DAY, OPEN ONLY TO REGISTERED WHOLESALE BUYERS. For information on how to register as a wholesale buyer, please visit: http://artscouncil.ky.gov/KAC/Showcasing/2019MarketBuyerReg.htm.
For more information, please visit: http://artscouncil.ky.gov/KAC/Showcasing/2019Market.htm.
See Moira and others of her kind at the Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween, this year in Marshall, Michigan on September 29th. I wish I could convey how magical this show is and how it just filled me with the most sweet, nostalgic feeling. I wish I could explain that, but I think it’s really just best experienced in person.
If you’re a lover of Halloween, I think this is a must-do event!
Click above for more details, art sneak peeks and a list of 2018 participating artists.
Next up in my 2018 art fair schedule is a new show for me and I’m very excited to be able to participate this year! The Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill Craft Fair is around 3 weeks away and I’m busy making some new items for this show. Put it on your list if you were not able to make it to Berea this year. Click the image below for more info.
A few years ago, the wonderful producers of Bluegrass and Backroads came to my home in West Liberty to film me for a short segment on their program. It was a wonderful experience. I have learned recently that the show featuring my artwork is airing again on KET.
If you missed it the first time, here it is. My television debut!
Read my original blogpost about the filming experience here. And add Bluegrass and Backroads to your DVR schedule to learn more about the gifted artists, musicians and interesting places to visit in Kentucky.
One of my favorite weekends of the year is fast approaching. If you’ve visited the Berea Craft Fair in the historic Indian Fort Theater, you probably know why. How fun to have the woods filled arts and crafts and musicians and dancers and good food and good vibes and good will and camaraderie and….well, you get my drift.
My work table is filled with work to complete, as is always the case before a show. And the excitement is setting in.
Make plans to visit us in Berea, Ky on July 13, 14 and 15th if you can. In addition to the craft festival, Berea, Ky is a wonderful, fun experience with a good amount of galleries to visit, two of which just received large shipments of some of my newest pieces. (Appalachian Fireside Gallery and the Kentucky Artisan Center)
Hope to see you there!
With a few good years of art shows, both indoor and outdoor, under my belt, I realize that since the beginning I’ve been on a never ending search for the ultimate art tent set up. Thinking back to my first outdoor art show, I can’t help but cringe at how unbelievably unprepared I was. In retrospect, I wish I had been able to find a resource to better prepare me (or that Pinterest had been in existence). But that information really comes with time, experience, and lots of conversation with fellow vendors who are kind enough to share their wisdom with a newb. Along the way, I have made some discoveries that make a selling weekend easier and I think I’ll begin to share them in the hopes that another artist’s selling weekend might be a little easier or flow smoother.
I still don’t feel like I have it all figured out and I spend a lot of time thinking about layouts and display and the best tent set-ups. I have found it to be particularly difficult trying to figure out the best displays for dolls in all conditions, considering that there are sometimes things like fierce wind and rain to consider during outdoor shows.
This past weekend was my first show of 2018–the Kentucky Crafted Market. An indoor show using a pipe and drape system to section off individual spaces, this set-up is pretty much a breeze. No inclement weather to deal with, no tent to set up and a large indoor unloading area is about as handy as it gets.
Once everything was set up and my dolls were displayed, I realized I needed a way to make checkout a little more efficient. I had planned to have a space on the tabletop as a checkout area with 15 x 20 tissue for small items but I still needed a place to store bags and large tissue paper for padding bags and wrapping larger items. I try to avoid table top clutter and didn’t have space or an extra flat surface for the tissue.
Then I remembered two brackets I brought with me ‘just in case’. These brackets are originally intended to mount onto a deck or porch rail and are used to support small tiki torches. But, through my wonderful art friends on Facebook I learned that many artists use these brackets, attached to folding tables, to support poles which can hold pennant banners or signage or lighting or anything you can dream up.
I had also packed an extra dowel rod ‘just in case’. And so…
Problem solved! My large tissue paper is easily accessible, the bags I need most often are close at hand, easily hidden from view and I have no table clutter. Had I had S-hooks and a longer dowel, I could have stored a couple of different sizes of bags.
Like most things, this is a great starting point in thinking about how to use these brackets and dowels in ways other than their intended uses. My mind is spinning with another possibility using that system.
Feel free to use this idea during your next event! I hope it helps in some way!
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