Next up in my 2018 art fair schedule is a new show for me and I’m very excited to be able to participate this year! The Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill Craft Fair is around 3 weeks away and I’m busy making some new items for this show. Put it on your list if you were not able to make it to Berea this year. Click the image below for more info.
Bluegrass and Backroads on KET
A few years ago, the wonderful producers of Bluegrass and Backroads came to my home in West Liberty to film me for a short segment on their program. It was a wonderful experience. I have learned recently that the show featuring my artwork is airing again on KET.
If you missed it the first time, here it is. My television debut!
Read my original blogpost about the filming experience here. And add Bluegrass and Backroads to your DVR schedule to learn more about the gifted artists, musicians and interesting places to visit in Kentucky.
The Kentucky Crafted Market 2018
It’s almost time for the show that kicks my season off–the Kentucky Crafted Market. In less than two weeks, I’ll be packing my little creatures up and trying to wrangle them to the Kentucky Expo Center in Louisville, Kentucky for this year’s show. Yep, Louisville, Kentucky! Many of you many remember that in the five previous years, Kentucky Crafted: The Market has been held at Heritage Hall in Lexington. Before that, the Kentucky Crafted Market had a long history in Louisville and so this year the show will return to its home.
There are a few more changes taking place, as well. Traditionally, Friday has been open to wholesale purchasers only. This year, on Friday, the public will be admitted from 5-8 p.m. at a discounted price if you’d like to scout vendors or make sure you get first dibs on artwork!
Otherwise the show is open from 10-7 on Satuday and 10-5 on Sunday.
The banner below will take you to the The Kentucky Crafted Market website for additional info, driving directions and ticket purchases if you’d like to purchase tickets early.
Now, back to the work table for me!
Bluegrass & Backroads
I really like the title of this show. One of my favorite things about country living is traveling the backroads on a pretty day. Kentucky really is a beautiful state, and the rolling fields, deep caverns, creeks, lakes and rock formations can be breathtaking. I think the title of this show is an appropriate description of Kentucky.
Tucked along those backroads and rolling fields, sprinkled here and there, are unique and interesting people. Many folks think that isolation helps spur creativity in our people. To some degree this is true, I think. Growing up, all of my family members had projects we were constantly working on…piddling as we called it. I have piddled my whole life. In fact, I really never felt comfortable calling myself an artist until I was in my 20’s. So removed from the “art world” was I, that I simply said I piddled with making things.
I’m glad my folks encouraged all that piddling.
The episode that I filmed back in May (you can read more about that experience here) is coming up this next weekend on KET and RFD-TV. Although hesitant to participate at first because of my own shyness and perhaps, stage fright, I’m so glad Bob and Matt encouraged me to share my artwork on their program. It really was such a great experience and has helped me overcome some of that stage fright to a degree.
I encourage you to watch Bluegrass & Backroads. There are some interesting things happening in Kentucky, at the hands of interesting makers and these two fellows work very hard to scout the best and most interesting makers and bring their stories to you.
You can visit this link for a list of air dates on KET, (Kentucky Educational Television). I am episode #1305, just scroll down and look for Rebecca Miller Campbell or see dates below.
Rebecca Miller Campbell; Cathedral Basillica; Jack Crowner; Blessings in a Backpack
26:40 | #1305 | First Airs: October 15, 2016
- KET2: Saturday, October 15 at 4:30 PM ET
- KETKY: Sunday, October 16 at 7:30 AM ET
- KETKY: Sunday, October 16 at 11:00 PM ET
- KETKY: Tuesday, October 18 at 12:30 PM ET
- KETKY: Tuesday, October 18 at 2:30 PM ET
- KET: Wednesday, October 19 at 12:00 AM ET
- KETKY: Friday, October 21 at 7:30 AM ET
- KETKY: Sunday, December 11 at 11:00 PM ET
- KETKY: Tuesday, December 13 at 12:30 PM ET
- KETKY: Tuesday, December 13 at 2:30 PM ET
- KET: Wednesday, December 14 at 12:00 AM ET
- KETKY: Thursday, December 15 at 8:30 PM ET
- KETKY: Friday, December 16 at 7:30 AM ET
- KETKY: Sunday, December 18 at 7:30 AM ET
Bluegrass and Backroads will also air nation-wide on RFD-TV. You have have that channel, my episode, Season 13 Ep 5, will air October 19th, at 5:30 PM ET.
I hope you enjoy the little glimpse into what my day to day life in my studio looks like. I love making these little creations and I LOVE being able to share them and my process with you! Thank you for helping me realize that piddlers and artists are many times one and the same!
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