Woodland Inspired Critters…

A whole new batch of woodland inspired critters have packed their bags and traveled from my work shop all the way to the Appalachian Fireside Gallery in Berea, Kentucky. (Ok…so they had a liitttttllleee help from Fed Ex!)

These little fellows will add the perfect touch to your Christmas decor or your authentic Folk Art collection. Each item is one of a kind, made with love and attention to detail. AND you can feel great about purchasing any item from the Appalachian Fireside Gallery…they purchase directly from artists both locally and nation-wide.

Visit the gallery at 127 Main Street, Berea, Ky. And if you want to stay in contact with the shop, see some of the newest items and displays…”like” the Appalachian Fireside Gallery facebook page.

Creating New People.

I’ve spent this week working on & designing new dollies. I love this part of the process, when things are still fresh and new and there are so many possibilities. It’s exciting to see what was once a blank sheet of paper become a template, with just a hint of the creature that is waiting to be born. It’s exciting to see a square lump of clay take form, become plump cheeks or a tiny lip. One of my favorite details on clay dolls are earrings. It’s such a small thing but I think it adds such charm to the overall doll. Perhaps that’s what’s exciting! Although in this stage, everything looks so bland, I know what these little pieces can & will become. I know what that tiny dollop of clay on the earlobe will look like in the end. And I usually can’t wait to see it finished!

Here are some of my new woodland inspired creatures in the making.