Berea Craft Festival ’14 Preview 2

The photos below are previews of new pieces which will be available at the Berea Craft Festival this weekend at Indian Fort Theater in Berea, Kentucky. If you see anything you like and are unable to attend the festival this weekend, feel free to contact me, either through Etsy or using my contact form located in the page tabs above. I plan to have a big Etsy update in the next week or two!

New Artwork on Etsy!

I’ll be adding several new pieces of artwork to my Etsy shop over the next few days (40+!) Please be patient & check my Etsy shop often as I add new items. If you recently attended the Berea Craft Festival & are looking for a specific item, please feel free to contact me & I’ll make sure to move it to the top of the list or will be delighted to sell it to you directly through Paypal.

Here are a few of the items recently added to my Etsy shop. More art will be added daily!

Now on Etsy

These three little ladies are now available on Etsy.

Little Red # 132LRedHeadToToe

LRedSide LRedTorso LRedTorsoHood

Little Red is available here.


Alice #133


AliceBunRabbit AliceBunStitching AliceBunEtsy

Alice is available here.


Goldilocks & The Three Bears #135


GRBoots GRBears GR-Sitting

And little Goldilocks can be found here.