My First Wedding Anniversary

One year ago today I was swept up in a very long ‘to-do’ list & preparing to marry the love of my life.

I thought I would share some pictures of that day & our sweet little country wedding in a barn next to our house. (It was a complete DIY wedding, with the help of our family.) (Click the thumbnails to see a larger version of each picture.)

Hand-painted wedding sign!WeddingSign

The scenery:

Aisle BlueJar Candles

Bench BenchQuilt

Tulips Centerpiece Aisle

Curtains Programs

BarnLights BarnDecs

GuestbookTable DaveBout Me&DadArch

FlowerGirls DottieScott

My ‘His’ & ‘Hers’ Ring Bearers.

RingBearers KatieCody2

Me&Dad2 AsianLanterns Ale-8's

Wedding-Party FlowerGirlsArch

Hitched BluegrassBand

Cake BeckDave

BarnDoor BarnOutside

We really didn’t want a stuffy wedding. We wanted our day full of family, friends, laughter, great food, meaningful music & the feeling of a truly beautiful, down home shindig.

My bridal party walked in to “In my Time of Need” by Ryan Adams, which will forever be one of my favorite songs. My Dad & I walked in to “Come Away with Me” by Nora Jones. Our recessional was “I’m Gonna Make You Love Me” by The Jayhawks. (Fun!)

It was a such a memorable day on the banks of Grassy Creek.